Let’s Celebrate Our Nurses

Not only today, but every single day.

Jessica Anne Filoteo
1 min readMay 12, 2021
Photo by: Jonathan Perugia

Today is International Nurses Day! Coincidentally, it also happens to be Mental Health Awareness week.

This past year, the world has seen first-hand the fundamental role nurses play. We have seen nurses going above and beyond their call of duty, and shattering stereotypes of nursing. We saw their exemplary courage, resiliency and commitment to their profession.

We also saw the heartbreaking reality behind the brave faces nurses put on everyday. The blood, sweat, and tears that not many speak about. The weariness, frustration, and disappointment nurses carry silently in their hearts.

Let today be a chance to show your appreciation for the nurses in your life. Recognize them for the work they do. Ask them how they are. Show them kindness.

And to my fellow nurses celebrating Nurses Day today, don’t forget to take care of yourselves, too. You are worthy. You are enough. And you deserve to be celebrated not only today, but every single day. Thank you for what you do.

